Post-Covid Recovery

Analysis of state and local responses to learning loss during the pandemic

Progress in Spending Federal K-12 Covid Aid: State by State

A state-by-state breakdown of federal Covid-relief aid ESSER spending

How North Carolina’s Schools Are Staffing Their Pandemic Recovery

An analysis of ESSER investments in staffing across North Carolina’s school districts

A collage of graphics showing trends if spending federal Covid-relief aid.

6 Ways to Breakdown How Districts are Spending Federal Covid Aid

FutureEd’s analysis of Covid-relief spending plans from more than 5,000 school districts and charter schools educating 75 percent of the nation’s students

How California’s Schools Are Spending Billions in Federal Pandemic Relief

An analysis of how California localities are spending the third round of federal Covid-relief aid

Educators and ESSER: How Pandemic Spending Is Reshaping the Teaching Profession

A comprehensive picture of state and local ESSER spending on the educator workforce

Covid Relief Playbook: Smart Strategies for Investing Federal Funding

Evidence-based solutions to pandemic learning loss

Post-Covid Recovery

By the Numbers


  • 39%

    Schools that report using high-dosage tutoring, 2023-24

  • 52%

    Schools that report using standard tutoring

Source: Institute of Education Sciences October 2023 School Pulse Panel

Learning Loss

  • 4.1

    Additional months of schooling needed for students grades 3-8 to catch up in reading

  • 4.5

    Additional months of schooling needed for students grades 3-8 to catch up in math

Source: NWEA

NAEP Scores, 13-year-olds

  • 85%

    13-year-olds who demonstrated skills in basic problem solving and math operations in 2012

  • 71%

    13-year-olds who demonstrated skills in basic problem solving and math operations in 2022

Source: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

Projected ESSER III Spending

  • $2.2 billion

    Projected ESSER III spending on psychologists/mental health professionals

  • $1.2 billion

    Projected ESSER III spending on social-emotional learning

Source: FutureEd

Lost Instructional Time

  • 13

    Estimated weeks of lost instruction among students enrolled in low-poverty schools that were remote for most of 2020-21

  • 22

    Among students enrolled in high-poverty schools

Source: The Atlantic

2022 State NAEP Math Scores

  • 43

    States with significantly more 4th graders scoring below NAEP Basic in math

  • 48

    States with significantly more 8th graders

Source: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

Post-Covid Recovery

All Work

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Tapping College Students to Sustain High-Quality Tutoring Post Pandemic

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Mississippi School Districts Break the Mold on Pandemic-Recovery Spending

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Research Notes: Pandemic-Era Emergency Licenses Diversified the Massachusetts Teacher Corps

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Learning Curve: Lessons from the Tutoring Revolution in Public Education

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How North Carolina’s Schools Are Staffing Their Pandemic Recovery

Read More about How North Carolina’s Schools Are Staffing Their Pandemic Recovery

New Studies Gauge Pandemic Learning Loss and Recovery

Read More about New Studies Gauge Pandemic Learning Loss and Recovery

Research Notes: Summer Learning’s Impact on Academic Recovery

Read More about Research Notes: Summer Learning’s Impact on Academic Recovery

Have Policymakers Overlooked a Major Contributor to the Dismal 2022 NAEP Results?

Read More about Have Policymakers Overlooked a Major Contributor to the Dismal 2022 NAEP Results?

Progress in Spending Federal K-12 Covid Aid: State by State

Read More about Progress in Spending Federal K-12 Covid Aid: State by State

An Overlooked Covid-relief Fund for Schools  

Read More about An Overlooked Covid-relief Fund for Schools  

How California’s Schools Are Spending Billions in Federal Pandemic Relief

Read More about How California’s Schools Are Spending Billions in Federal Pandemic Relief