
Podcast: The Robots Are Coming

Michelle Weise, chief innovation officer and senior vice president of workforce strategies at Strada Education Network, speaks about the future of the continuously changing learning ecosystem and the need for advising for adult learners.

 “There is only so much you can automate,” Weise explains. “And so the advising and that high touch piece will probably come in the sense that people are going to need help creating some sort of navigation system.”

Listen to the podcast here.

This podcast is created and produced by higher education experts Jeff Selingo and Michael Horn.  Selingo, a FutureEd senior fellow and former editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education, is special advisor and professor of practice at Arizona State University, and a visiting scholar at Georgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities. Horn is chief strategy officer for the Entangled Group, an education investment firm,  and a senior partner at Entangled Solutions, an education consulting company.  Selingo and Horn can be contacted here. Future U is supported by the Academy for Innovative Higher Education Leadership, a partnership between Arizona State University and Georgetown University, and by Entangled Solutions.