Peg Tyre

Peg Tyre is vice president of strategy, communications and network engagement at the EGF Accelerator in New York City, which supports social entrepreneurs looking to improve college graduate rates for low-income students. A veteran journalist and author, Tyre has written about education for Newsweek, The New York Times, Politico, Bright, the Christian Science Monitor, Time, and The Atlantic. She has been a finalist for the National Magazine Award is and is the author of two critically acclaimed books on education, The Trouble with Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Sons, Their Problems at School and What Parents & Educators Must Do, which was a New York Times bestseller, and The Good School: How Smart Parents Get Their Kids the Education They Deserve. She has a bachelor’s from Brown University and was a Spencer fellow at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Work by Peg Tyre

How to Make Advanced Education More Inclusive

While debates rage over who should win admission to selective high schools, public education leaves millions of talented young people, many of them students of…

Excellence with Equity: The Case for Rethinking Gifted Education

A new vision of advanced education that embraces both academic rigor and equity, profiling school districts in Arizona, New York City, and Montgomery County

A Vision for the Next Generation of Testing

Peg Tyre FutureEd Senior Fellow Peg Tyre is director of strategy at the Edwin Gould Foundation in New York City, which supports social entrepreneurs looking to…