
Rhode Island’s Statewide Push to Cut Chronic Absenteeism

As the nation’s educators ready themselves for the start of a new school year, they’re no doubt wondering how many students are going to show up after several…

Could Tutoring Be the Next Big Bipartisan School Reform?

This piece originally appeared in Washington Monthly. For most people, the lesson of pandemic schooling was that remote learning was an unmitigated disaster for…

How to Make Advanced Education More Inclusive

While debates rage over who should win admission to selective high schools, public education leaves millions of talented young people, many of them students of…

Testimony: Strategies for Solving Chronic Absenteeism in the District of Columbia

FutureEd Policy Director Liz Cohen delivered testimony to the Council of the District of Columbia, Committee of the Whole, on May 13, 2024.

Tapping College Students to Sustain High-Quality Tutoring Post Pandemic

This piece originally appeared in The Hechinger Report. Thousands of public school districts and charter schools have turned to tutoring as a popular and…

Six Keys to Scaling High-Quality Tutoring

Jackson Elementary School in Louisiana’s East Feliciana Parish District sits on a quiet street just outside the town of Jackson, population 4,130. It’s a 30…

What AP African American Studies and “The Holdovers” Have in Common

Too often, when people hear the words “intellectual rigor,” they associate it with a cantankerous, sage-on-the-stage pedagogy. The most recent pop-culture take…

Outcomes-based Tutoring Contracts Get Results, Save Money

This piece originally appeared in The 74 Anyone who sells products to public schools can tell you education is a huge market. Schools spend billions of dollars…