From the Field

Research Notes: Study Finds Persistent Post-Pandemic Grade Inflation

New research by University of Washington researchers Dan Goldhaber and Maria Goodman Young reveals substantial grade inflation in the wake of the pandemic.

New Evidence Affirms Teachers Should Go Slow Using AI to Grade Essays

When ChatGPT was released to the public in November 2022, advocates and watchdogs warned about the potential for racial bias. The new large language model was…

Q&A: David Adams on Using AI to Improve Teacher Practice

It’s increasingly clear that generative artificial intelligence has the potential to play many valuable roles in schools. Urban Assembly…

WEBINAR: Applying Lessons from Advocacy Research to Expand Tutoring in Public Education

What led to the rapid spread and adoption of tutoring as a solution? What will it take to bring tutoring to the scale? And what can the science of advocacy…

How are Teens Using AI?

Two new surveys, both released this month, show how high school and college-age students are embracing artificial intelligence. There are some inconsistencies…

Seniority-Based Teacher Layoffs Hurt Low-Income Students

Teacher layoffs are likely this fall as $190 billion in federal pandemic aid expires. By one estimate, schools spent a fifth of their temporary funds on hiring…

WEBINAR: Rethinking Gifted Education

Few policies in public education have been as contentious as how schools identify and educate their most academically able students. Some seek to dismantle…

The Potential of AI Feedback to Improve Student Writing

This week I challenged my editor to face off against a machine. Barbara Kantrowitz gamely accepted, under one condition: “You have to file early.