
School Facilities and Operations

Chart: School Facilities and Operations. HVAC: 2,468. Repairs to prevent illness: 1,537. Transportation: 1,373. PPE: 1,323. Custodial equipment: 874. Outdoor classrooms/shade/fitness equipment: 554. Additions to existing buildings: 508. Preparedness: 462. Athletic facilities: 93. (This chart is based on a June 7 compilation by the data-services firm Burbio of Covid-relief spending plans released by 5,004 school districts and charter schools in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. The sample represents roughly 74% of the nation's public-school students and receives $83 billion of the $122 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funds. The categories reflect spending on capital projects and materials for school buildings.)

About half the school districts and charter schools included in the Burbio sample intend to spend on improving heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Such expenditures can range from buying better filters for existing units or replacing faulty systems that fail to heat or cool schools. Some are investing in repairs to prevent illness and new construction, while others plan to spend on personal protective equipment and the apparatus for outdoor classrooms.

View our regional analysis of spending plans

View our analysis of rural, urban and suburban spending plans

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Graphics by Merry Alderman Design